viernes, 20 de marzo de 2009

Tut "A Day at the Beach"

If you want to try in Dutch clic on the flag:

Hi my new tutorial was make with a wonderful freebie from Karla Scraps, and hope you like it.
You will need the following things:
The beautiful freebie from Karla Scrapz, called "Beach Day". You can download this kit at her blog HERE, and don't forget leave some love.
The tube is one of the beautiful art of ©Suzanne Woolcott, and you can purchase her art and a licence number HERE.
The mask is the number 14, and you can download HERE.
Let's begin:
1.- Open a new raster layer of 500 x 500 pixels. Transparent.
2.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s paper 4, open the mask in your PSP, go to mask/new mask/ from an image. Then go to mask/invert, and then mask/delete. Resize this image to 125% twice.
3.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s frame 3, resize to 70%. With your magic wand select into the frame. Go to select/modify/ expand 5.
4.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s paper 3, go to select/invert select. Edit/cut. Put this layer below the frame.
5.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s stones, resize to 40% and put this layer forward the mask layer.
6.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s sandcastle, resize to 25%, put this layer below the frame layer. If exceed the frame just delete with your eraser tool.
7.- Do the same as step #6 with k-s blue sea.
8.- Now copy and paste as new layer k-s bubbles, resize to 40%, go to layers/duplicate and reflet this layer. Put as you can see in my image.
9.- Copy and paste the ©Gorjuss tube as new layer, resize to convenience. Put this layer between the bubbles layers. See my image for help.
10.- Copy and paste the other elements, snails, sea star and shell, resize to convenience. Add a grey drop shadow of choice.
11.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s sun, resize to 15%.
12.- Copy and paste as new layer k-s sea horse, resize to 25% and reflet. Add the same drop shadow as before.
13.- Write your licence number, and merge all visible layers.
14.- Write your name with a font of choice, I used a rainbowgradient for inside colour. Add drop shadow of choice, colour grey.
15.- Save as png.
It's done.
I hope you like it. I love to see all you result, if you want you can send me your tags with the results of my tuts to:

Thank you for try this and the others tuts.

This tutorial was writting by me, Mariel - Artistic Dreams© on 20th of march of 2009, any resemblance to any other tutorial is completely coincidental.

Mariel - ©Artistic Dreams

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