domingo, 19 de abril de 2009

Tut "I Love Cherries"

If you want to try in Dutch clic on the flag:

For this new tut you will need the following things:
First of all you have to download the beautiful scrap kit from Paci called "Cherries Passion", is a FTU and you can find it HERE.
The tube I used is a girl from ©Keith Garvey, and you can purchase a licence in MPT HERE.
The template #1 is HERE.
Let's begin:
1.- Open your template # 1 in your PSP, duplicate image, and close the original.
2.- Select with your magic wand Raster 2, then invert and colorice with a colour of choice I used a soft yellow.
3.- Now do the same with the others layers, big circle, I used a red colour and then texture effect/ blinds. The large rectangle in a green colour, and apply a texture effect/ straw. I used a red colour for the small rectangle.
4.- Select all the white frames and add a drop shadow of choice.
5.- Copy and paste as new layer the white strawberry flower, resize to 20% twice, and duplicate this layer three times. Put this layers as you can see in my tag.
6.- Copy and paste as new layer the pink cherry flower2, resize to 20% twice, duplicate this layer three times. And put them as you can see in my image.
7.- Copy and paste as new layer cherry 2, resize to 20% twice, and duplicate this layer once, go to image and reflet. Put as you can see in my tag.
8.- Copy and paste as new layer cherry 4, resize to 20% twice, duplicate this layer and reflet, and then duplicate again both layers, put them as you can see in my tag.
9.- Copy and paste as new layer cherry 6, resize to 20% twice, suplicate this layer and reflet, then duplicate both layer again and reflet. Put as you can see in my image.
10.- Merge all visible layers, and add drop shadow of choice.
11.- Write your name with a font of choice, and add your licence number.
12.- Save as png.
It's done.
I hope you like it. I love to see all you result, if you want you can send me your tags with the results of my tuts to:
Thank you for try this and the others tuts.

This tutorial was writting by me, Mariel - Artistic Dreams© on 19 th of april of 2009, any resemblance to any other tutorial is completely coincidental.
Mariel - ©Artistic Dreams

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